Invalid Credencials
Good afternoon recently i have change my model phone for a samgunh s6 it recognices correctly the ring but when i unlock the phone on the app it says invalid credencials i'll tried to reset the password but i doesn't work anymore. What can i do? Thanks!
@Cris Can you grab a screen shot of the screen you are seeing?
Yes, in the first screenschot it say invalid credencials i unlock the phone with the pin
and it shows the next screen, i´ll reset the password and it doesnt allow to continue (1).png (1).png
Your email address / password is case sensitive, have you been careful to ensure you put exactly the right info in?
Yes, i tested it with a lot of combinations of casesentive, after reset it a few of time
I can reset your password and email you it, same as the software does.. Please email with your email address.