KeyDuino, Arduino NFC (PN532+ATMEGA 32U4) by MrStein
Hi, today I received my Nfc arduino board from china.
Here are the first picture and caracteristics:-> Atmega 328
-> pn532 connected by uart
-> antenna designed for the NFC ring (but it's need some modifictions for the according circuit)
-> FT232 (USB to UART)
The other caracteristics are the same than the arduino uno (3v3/5 v output,... SPI, I²C, UART)Reading;
-3cm for normal card tag
-2cm for badge tag
-1cm for the nfc ring....
I thing the according circuit isn't as good as the simulation so I expect a bigger reading distance with the version 2. But with this configuration it's still better than the PN532 shield with my NFC rings (normal ring) :)
The version 2 (WIP) will have:
-> uhl connector for a deporting antenna
-> Bluetooth loow energy module
-> MSP430 proc (not sure)What do you thing about that? :)
That's awesome man, I like it. Looking forward to seeing your v2 with antenna connector! The bluebottle will be handy too.
OMG that is awsome!
How did you do that?
Creat your own board is perfect. -
So I make the board with EAGLE and there are made in china, with MAKERSTUDIO (low cost: 10boards for 10$. and assembling the components is not expensive ;) ).
Oh, I forgot to say but I also have a arduino nano version in progress :)
Can you read your private messages MrStein please
If you're Ok i want to talk to you in private for more informations -
Some news!
Today I start working with a friend on the according circuit,
(beautiful no?)That improve the reading distance of the big tag (badge -> 3cm now) but the reading distance of the ring is still 1cm...
I will work more on the antenna design, and I expect found something. -
How well does the antenna work from the back of the board, @MrStein?
It would be awesome if, once these boards which are custom made for the ring are working well they were available for sale in the NFC ring store.
It definitely would, @jasok2. Those and the car starter, it'd make it a one stop shop so to speak.
@Lokki ; for the back it's the same, I lose 1,6mm (the bord size) for the reading distance ;)
It's difficult to make an open source project (I work with a company on some contactless projects so I have restrictions for provide antenna design) BUT I currently ask to my Boss for make an open source kickstarter. I wait for the answer. I think my Boss will accept to sell them on the NFC ring shop too.. (I wait for a better protype design)
If it's not possible, I will provide all the board files without the antenna but with a UHL connector for use a deported one and some indication for improve them :)).
Work in progress for the version 2. I use 1 atmega 328 connected to the pn532 by SPI for the reading and a atmega32u4 (leonardo) for the programmable chip. Nano version will be difficult in 2 sides pcb...
I also put some headers on the i2C communication for add a Bluetooth low energy module (maybe I will add a NRF chip for an other board but I don't add the time for make and test a 2.4Ghz antenna yet.oh, I make a prototype of an arduino nano bluetooth (not tested yet), if you are interrested, here are the files; (click on "téléchargement régulier")I was wondering why the pn532 from electrohouse and my first version became hot with the time. It's because there is not level converter (5v to 3.3v for the spi/i²C/HSU communication. That rectified in the version 2.
I also add a switch on an interrupt pin and a RGB led for select the communication mode (BLE mode, NFC mode, BOTH or nothing).
If you have any question / idea of application say that to me !
Ah, and "NFCDUINO" name is already take, someone have a idea? :D -
@MrStein Why don't you share all the files on github?
Ah ah, that a good question, I never try that but you're right, it's time to switch :)
Awesome stuff, @MrStein!
In production, the v2 of nfcduino (now steinduino NFC) and "keyduino" in arduino nano size (I spend a lot of time on this one ^^').
Keyduino can log you on you pc with the nfc ring. Of course you can use it for a lot of other projects :D.
Hope they will work fine :) -
Oh wow look at that Nano one, that looks mad exciting!
Yeah, I love it. Definitely want one of those!
@MrStein even more awesome would be if you could make the usb end double sided. -
@Lokki That a good idea but the ground is also around the connector package (on the female connector) so you will have a risk of short circuit if you reverse it...
Thanks for the comments! -
@MrStein check out the connector these guys did, it's double sided and doesn't short (I've got one). -
@Lokki I asked Pierre to send me a prototype board so I will look at it and create a video in English :)