what gmail account to unlock?
I am confused, after installing the nfc unlock app and the ring, as usual repeatedly failing to work it gives me the option to unlock the phone with a gmail account, however it refuses to acknowledge my standard googlemail.com login information and password so there is no way of getting in. Thankfully it seems to revert back to normal once I disconnect the battery and reboot but it comes back after a while with the same problems. I have unistalled the app for now as I can't risk my phone being permanently locked. What gmail account is it refering to?
As a side note, the app should really mask the password letters after they have been typed. -
It's your gmail account. the one your registered your phone with.
If you have 2-factor authentication enabled you'll need to setup a specific password or this app or disable it temporary.
you can also setup a pin for the unlock. please refer to the how to video and read the Troubleshooting guide in the apps section of the forum. -
I have exactly the same question and the answer is not helpful!
I can unlock with my ring but I would like to be able to unlock without the ring as well just in case I loose it.
So, what gmail account do you mean? I am trying my password for the google account (the same I use to login to playstore)
but this is not working here! -
@Rainer Got it now, I set a separate pin for the app. I don't still know for what this is... My phone and sd card are encrypted, so to get to the point where I can unlock the nfc app with this pin, I have first to login with either my strong password or with the ring.
So, can s.o. explain to me for what this pin is good for?
Then, another question: As I said before I solved the problem, I tried to login with my gmail account, which did not work. I would like to know to which destination the password was forwarded to, google or nfc ring?
Thanks, Rainer