Non phone PC USB reader/writer
While I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my rings I wanted to ensure I have something to do with them when they arrive.
Without any phones to tinker with I am looking at a PC based nfc reader/writer but am finding a lot of different options. I see a few in the community have arduino add on boards they are happy with but as one of the rings will be a gift for a less tech savvy family member I wanted to see if anyone has recommendations for a USB windows PC compatible reader/writer?
Ideally it would come with relevant software or use some of the open source packages I've seen, the main usage would be for them to clone other tags/rings and copy the functionality to their ring (Data and UID modifications).
Does anyone have any experiences with these? Any links to purchase online would be great.
Thanks! -
From the look of things it hasn't been tried and tested yet apart from John with an ASUS NFCExpress reader and he ended up hacking it and adding an arduino because it didn't want to play nice.
It might be an idea to test out a cheap NFC capable usb reader from ebay to start with, I've seen a few available but as I haven't tested any I can't really recommend anything in particular. -
From a quick look through ebay, make sure that anything you do get is NFC and 13.560 MHz. There are a lot of properly cheap RFID units that are at 125kHz, these will not work.
I got myself a ACS ACR 112U and a ACR 112T (USB version) they are both good readers but there is not yet a driver for use with the Windows8 NFC functionality :-(
I recommend that you look for one that has such a driver as you can do more with it. -
@CyberWocky things have improved with the ASUS NFC express since the latest drivers.
This post is deleted! -
Thanks all for the suggestions and hints.
The ACS equipment looks good, thier SDK package looks alright despite the lack of native windows support. I'll also take a look at the ASUS options too.
If anyone else has any suggestions please let me know!