Easily Add NFC to devices that don't already have it.
Hi Everyone, whilst investigating if the Microsoft Surface 3 had NFC, and finding that it didn't I came across this.
Basically Its a NFC chip in a micro SD card, so you could add NFC to the microsoft Surface or any other device that accepts a Micro SD card.
Hope this helps peoples building/Hacking efforts.
Cheers Jason
Hi @jasok2, I'm yet to see those available to us lowly consumers (and I'm not convinced they would work very well).
Has anyone encountered them in the wild yet, firsthand? -
@Lokki here is a link where it says they are shipping direct to consumers
however its in a case, so more expensive than it should be if you just want the chip.
Hi dude, it's getting same things I was seeing on the Web when I settled on the icarte case to try with the iPhone (and that's a dismal failure with current ios versions).
In spite of all the write ups and whatnot I've yet to hear of a firsthand account of one.
It's always the guy who knows a guy whose sisters husbands mothers tennis instructor maybe touched one for a minute in 1962.